Misc. Software Development Notes by Ryan Renn
Notes on Collaborative Software Development
Analyzes practices in collaborative software development, with application to Extreme Programming (XP)
Some Loose Notes on Refactoring
Just a thought on refactoring
Links - Object-Oriented Development
Sun Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
A very accessible introduction to OOP.
Pitfalls of Object-Oriented Development
Describes conceptual pitfalls of OOD and implications for management
Object-Oriented Design
An article on object-oriented design at the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute.
Links - Development Methdologies
Rational Unified Process: Best Practices for Software Development Teams
A document describing the Rational Unified Process (RUP)
Extreme Programming FAQ
A very concise introductory treatment of Extreme Programming, by John Brewer
Extreme Programming: A Gentle Introduction
An introduction to the XP methodology.
A resource page on XP
Links - Refactoring
Refactoring web site maintained by Ken Fowler. Contains a useful catalogue of refactorings
This page is maintained by Ryan Renn